Friday, July 10, 2009

first blog..Ever..

hai..welcome to rawai-whatever...
this is my first blog ever and please do not be suprised by my akwardness in handling this..hehehe..
my name is nur rawaidah bt rossli..please bear in mind not to be confused with rawaidah from the other class..i'm RAWAI and not awai..
originated from kl,a very simple person and seems quite..this is proved by a quick quiz from facebook last 2 days..thanx to raihan.. but actually loves to talk and eats a lot (says Fazleen who is sitting next to me)....

typing this now in order to complete my degree..i used to think bloggers are obsses with own self but karma hits me now..arghh...
i'm not good in computer, having a laptop is basically to complete assignments..somehow manages to work with all basic microsoft software and eletronic devices being attached to my laptop such as digital cam,handphone etc..
loves to surf internet for own purposes, download songs, themes for hp, read new gossips,chatting with school mates etc..

i can live without internet bcoz i spend most of my free time watching tv with a big bar of choc..let's just say that tv manages to entertain me most..kuikui..
to answer dr.izaham's question, practicum was GREAT but i've never used computer in teaching bcoz it's too hard to get and demands more time..Hana knows better what happened to us before..again to note that i'm a tv addict, i use movies and tv to entertain my students..

tired of typing, thank to Fazleen sitting next to me for giving ideas just by looking at her, 'selamat puase' to azu and best of luck to all TSL 641 bloggers..da.....


  1. yeah rite...i second da motion regarding hana's case..hehe..

  2. Some bloggers are obsessed with themselves, I know one
