Thursday, July 9, 2009

first blog..EvEr..

welcome to rawai-whatever blog..
(please bear in mind that i'm a new user and really feel awkward doing this..)hehehehe..

my name is nur rawaidah bt rossli..people call me rawai and please don't get confused with awai from the other class..i'm a very simple,reserved and quiet person..this is proven by simple quiz from facebook last 2 days..thanx a lot to raihan..heheheheh

i can live without internet..coz basically i'm a tv addict and it manages to entertain me a lot..A LOT!! with a remote control and a big bar of choc in my hand, i feel like i'm powerful..err..heaven.. but still for some purposes, i surf the net to download stuffs, get in touch with school mates, booking tickets for certain events and etc..but then it's not frequent as others..i know this coz my father uses the net better and more frequent than me..well, at least we know that internet is applicable to all ages...yippie!!!

back to dr.izaham's question, my practicum was GREAT! yippie!!! but i never use computer in class because it's too demanding to get and time wasting for me.. (hana knows better what had happened).. but i still use technology appliances and to the fact that i'm tv addict, i use that as learning tools.. but still, i manage to use whatever software in my laptop and did have some fun with that..

thanx to azu for letting me use her new little pink laptop...ooppss..sorry azu for bursting this out...wakakakka...selamat pose azu...just few days to go..chiayo!! to those who read this, tq..i will update as this is fun...kuikui... thanx dr.izaham.. till we meet again..XOXO...da....

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