Thursday, August 27, 2009

Article Review

I am sorry that I could not attend class on 27th August 2009 due to high fever. I would come next week with the MC provided by the doctor. However, I tried my best to complete the assignment given and luckily to publish it here before the due date. Hope the article can be linked and my review is successfully published.Thank you. -rawai-

I always fascinated at the use of technology in classroom of Western countries and while browsing for an article to review, I am thinking of looking at it from my own cultural context. So I am proud to say that you are about to read a review on the use of technology in second language teaching and learning of our own Malaysian school. The title of the article is 'English Language Activities in Computer-Based Learning Environment:A Case Study in Malaysian ESL Classroom'. The article was published in the year of 2007 in GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies, Volume 7(1). The research is made by Dr.Nadzrah Abu Bakar who is currently a lecturer of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.She received her doctorate from University of Adelaide in applied linguistics, specializing in CALL making me think twice to review on her research.
If we were to compare educational setting between Malaysia and Western countries, we are now still trying to catch up many gigantic steps behind them. The earliest used of ICT in Malaysian school was only in the early 1990's and we can say that we are still new to the system. However, within only 10 years of time, the realization, acceptance and adaptation of computers in our education are encouraging each day. The research somehow proves that the use of computer in Malaysian classroom is popular nowadays. The study is done in an attempt to investigate how teaching and learning in English is conducted using computer-based skill but at the same time still aligned to the national syllabus. This is done by looking at the types of English activity carried out by teachers and students in the classroom.
Methodology used in collecting the data was very precise and detailed. It took one semester (3 months) to collect all the data and the main data were collected using classroom observation and interviews. Classroom observation was video recorded or jotted down in field notes and 2 types of interview which are formal-structured and informal conversation-like interview were done. In order to get more information, written document and students' learning diary were used as secondary data. It is important to note that there were no structured questions asked instead questions were based more on necessity. The study was done in one of Malaysian secondary Smart School and the respondents were 2 English teachers and girls from 2 English classes. The quantity of respondents is not included in the research.
Researcher found out that the activities using computers in class were subjected and restricted to the demand of English syllabus. The teachers need to follow the syllabus closely making computer-based learning quite demanding to incorporate. Examination based in Malaysian educational setting and restriction of syllabus affect teachers' and students' attitudes toward computer-based learning in class. Computer is used solely to find information of presentation and reading material. The study shows that the use of computer in school is highly dependent on the type of syllabus and the objective of the curriculum. However, the researcher concluded that computer-based skill can be used as a support in promoting the use of English language in an authentic environment which is very true.
In my opinion, this research is interesting and may attract many opinions from others. This is a research that proves the real situation happening in our Malaysian educational system. However, I don't really agree with the sample used in the research. Using only girls from Smart School is quite a bias in regard to school type and gender. This somehow affects the result of the research. It is well known that Smart School is specially designed to prepare students for Information Age (Malaysia, 1997). Thus, students of Smart School are very comfortable in computer-based environmet. Perhaps, conducting the research in a standard daily school would bring different and much meaningful result.
Reflecting on Malaysian context, we cannot run from the stigma of our exam oriented system. Even with the implementation of CALL in teaching and learning, exam oriented still becomes a barrier to this so call 'advanced' technology. I really hope and urge our political figure to do something about it. Most importantly, there is a need for serious ammendment to be made on our education system to allow the use of technology in not just English subject but to education system generally. Muir-Herzig,2004 higlighted the importance of studying objective and aims before generating computer-based learning environment in school and this is precisely what Malaysia should consider. Even though we had implemented the system for few years and it has proves something beneficial to us, it is worth to reconsider because it always better late than never.

when influenza strikes da world..

I'm having flu, serious cough and high fever and seems like everyone is avoiding me..
GRRRR..i'm not affected with influenza and this is just a fever..for REAL!

but i don't blame anyone for behaving such way as that's what people do nowadays..thanx friends for your concern and advise..i'll be back real soon with MC letter for the lecturers and as a proof to you all that i'm free from influenza..hehehe..

MC for 3 days starting 25th till 27th August..that's what happened to me when influenza strikes the world..